The Lisa Loeb Eyewear Collection
The Lisa Loeb Eyewear collection features frames for every look and occasion, bridging the gap between the workplace and every day chic. Frames are accented with styles like marbleized guitar picks on temple tips and unique clef note on frame corners, mirroring Lisa’s musical roots. The collection is right on trend with its cat-eye and retro shapes inspired by the 60s and 70s.
- Air
- All the Stars
- Amazed
- Angel
- Belong
- Best Day
- Best Friend
- Beyond
- Birds
- Brave
- Breathe
- Butterfly
- Buzz
- Cake & Pie
- Candy
- Clarinet
- Colored Times
- Come Back
- Dance
- Diamonds
- Did That
- Dream
- Electric
- Everyday
- Eyes On Me
- Face
- Fairytale
- Fall Back
- Falling In Love
- Firecracker
- Flying
- Forever
- Forever (Sunglasses)
- Frame Case
- Gold Dust
- Green Flash
- Guessing Game
- Heart
- Heart Beat
- Hello Lisa
- Hold Me
- Home
- Hot Minute
- Hurricane
- I Control The Sun
- I Do
- Imagine
- Inspiration
- Kiss
- Know Me
- Lightening
- Lisa Listen
- Loved You
- Lucky Me
- Magic
- Matches
- Moon Star
- Muse
- Opiate Eyes
- Optimistic
- Outside
- Perfect
- Perfect Setting
- Pie
- Probably
- Prophet
- Rock & Roll
- Shiggle
- Shimmy
- Sky
- Snow Day
- Split Second
- Spotlight
- Stay
- Summer
- Sun
- Sunny
- Sweet Eyes
- Swept Away
- Taffy
- Take Me Back
- Tiggle
- Tipsy
- Train
- Treasure
- Truthfully
- Upside
- Wake Up
- Weak Day
- Weak Day (Sunglasses)
- Whistling
- Wild Plum
- Window Shopping
- Wishing Heart
- Wonder
Sunny $159.99
Hot Minute $149.99
Lisa Listen $149.99
Wonder $139.99
Upside $169.99
Air $149.99
Guessing Game $149.99
Lisa Loeb Eyewear Frame Case $10.00
Pie $159.99
Angel $149.99
Hurricane $149.99
Matches $149.99
Birds $149.99
Buzz $159.99
Face $159.99
Tipsy $139.99
Wishing Heart $139.99
Firecracker $149.99
Spotlight $95.00
Shimmy $169.99